Monday 23 May 2016

Forward thinking!

Back to reality folks. I was determined to be strong and practice my smell training every day, but its been a bit of a rollercoaster ride these last few weeks to say the least so I haven't really stuck to it.
This doesn't mean that I've given up, but Chris Kelly herself said you have to be in the right frame of mind to do it and well, not to put too finer point on it I have had some crap going on so lets leave it there! In fact so much so I'm kicking Anosmia out of the door for this post at least!
I have to heal in more ways than one. Not just my rubbish nerve fibres that are being stubborn sods and not trying hard enough in my opinion, but my whole being. My head = big mess at the moment. Life can really chuck it at you sometimes and its throwing everything at me including the kitchen sink!  So I suppose this is why I am sitting in front of my laptop now without a clue what to write about. Self doubt is a biggy for me at the moment. I need to write something so -

Have I got anything to say....yes
Do I know where to
Have I lost my self worth....yes
Have I lost my sense of smell and taste....yes.  Oops, I know I said no Anosmia mentions, but I couldn't resist that!
Have I lost it...not totally or I wouldn't have managed a funny just then.
Can I still write this blog....yes but it may change so I hope that's ok with you guys.
Am I waffling...I hope not

Ok the 'self worth' question is a bit heavy going because deep down I know I am good at things, I'm a singer, a lyricist, a singing coach, a writer or at least trying to be!  (By the way this is a rehearsal photograph, we do usually have an audience honest!)  And I've done all of these things successfully as a career for a long time, including the writing eventually I hope. 
Now all I have to do is convince myself that I can still be this person, even after everything that's happened.
Oh that sounds better already doesn't it?

I also have a cunning plan.....a Website, yep my very own. Focussed around what I've just written on here.
On-line singing lessons for a start, what do you think?
The ideas are starting to form, and are not bad ones at that, now all I need to do is stay motivated for long enough to put them all into practice.
I hope you lot are with me on this one, this little blog of mine was what kept me sane when I first became Anosmic and your kind comments and the fact that you stuck with me and read the posts has all helped. So if you'd like to hang around some more, that would be great! Let's do this!


  1. Hey i love the idea of online singin lessons 😉go for it and if i can help in something at least i will share all 😉

  2. Hey i love the idea of online singin lessons 😉go for it and if i can help in something at least i will share all 😉

  3. i admire your energy..what a good post...

  4. Keep going Debbie - your determination is inspiring xx

  5. Hi Debbie, just came across your blog and can sympathise. I developed Anosmia after suffering from a sinus infection a year ago, it basically destroyed by smell receptors/nerves (I still don't really understand!) After a while the good old Parosmia kicked in, what a delight that is!! I can understand what you are going through, it's a very lonely feeling and a complete nightmare to try explain to some people. Things have been improving for me though and I hope they will for you, I think it just takes a loooooong time.
    Kate : )

    1. Hi Kate, thank you so much for your kind words, I'm glad to hear things are improving for you. It's certainly a tough thing to live with.

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